You want to progress? 

Here is the part you seek to get the information and advices you need to go further. Climbing is a sport which needs a lot of time and which is very demanding. The axis of progression are multiple: technical, tactical, physical and mental.

At Atypic, we can offer you several plannings: weekly, monthly, quarterly and even annual depending of your needs. Feel free to contact us for more information. We will try to plan a program suited to your goals.



To get to this stage, you have to master the initiation level 2 and feel at ease with lead climbing. Minimum level required : 5c/6a (5.8). We will adapt to your level and will propose you a progression planning.

- First, your goals will have to be defined

Ex: send your first 6c (5.11a) or get to the finals of national championship…

- Then, we will have to know your skills: strong and weak points to design several progression ways on various axis

- Technical axis: deepen your movement knowledge

Ex: profile climbing, flexibility, roll around the shoulders…

- Tactical axis: how to deal with a climbing route

Ex: route reading, climbing rhythm…

- Physical axis: training of the three principal fields in climbing (Strength, Resistance, Stamina)

Ex: compression, dynamism, canning…

- Mental axis: to get the mental of a winner!

Ex: to accept that falling is a possibility, maximum focus (clear the mind from everything else), self-confidence…

Contact us for more details and to design together your planning.

Equipment included

  1. Harnais
  2. Cow's tail
  3. Belay device
  4. Helmet
  5. Ropes
  6. Crash Pad
    only for outdoor bouldering

Equipment to bring

  1. Good walking shoes
    Tied with shoelace with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)
  2. A small backpack
    For your personal stuff
  3. Warm and waterproof clothes
  4. Snacks, drinks and a change of clothes
    For the way back to the car
  5. For day outings, bring something to eat at the cliff.
Independent guides office situated in Vercors
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