Need for Height? For big opened space?

For the thrill, you have come at the right place. No way back before standing at the summit. Several rope lengths high, we climb belay to belay, each time a little higher. From 80 to 300 meters, you will see quite spectacular views! You will learn to control your feeling, your fear of the void and to focus on your climbing to get to the top. And that moment, reaching the summit, it is always special… The feeling to have accomplished something great, a kind of euphoria.

Descent: abseil or afoot. Minimum level required : 5c/6a (5.8)

We are neighbors of the Vercors… Presles is our playground, but we can guide almost everywhere else. Rochefort Samson, close to Valence, offers traditional style climbing (trad) on a wild environment, the cliff of Saint Julien at Buis les Barronies is a perfect place to begin with, the legendary gorges du Verdon et de la Jonte propose a huge number of multi pitch routes for beginners in beautiful landscapes, sometimes with vultures flying not so far… Morocco, Spain, Italy, everything is possible!


To get to this stage, you have to master the initiation level 2 and feel at ease with lead climbing. Minimum level required : 5c (5.8). We will adapt to your level and will propose you a progression planning.

 Three possibilities :

1. Traineeship and self-reliance. Learning of the specific techniques in order to get self-reliant on multi pitch routes. Learning done on “small” multi pitch routes.

2.Guiding in a route of your choice. You will climb top rope and learn a little less than the first possibility.

3. First experience of trad multi pitch routes. Very few equipment on the rock, you will learn to put your own protections.

- Learning of the belay​

- Learning to belay the second climber

- Learning to deal with rope friction

- Learning of the abseil

- Learning to put nut, friends and tape slings (option trad)

- Learning of the pulley system (to help your partner)

Equipment included

  1. Harnais
  2. Cow's tail
  3. Belay device
  4. Helmet
  5. Ropes
  6. Crash Pad
    only for outdoor bouldering

Equipment to bring

  1. Good walking shoes
    Tied with shoelace with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)
  2. A small backpack
    For your personal stuff
  3. Warm and waterproof clothes
  4. Snacks, drinks and a change of clothes
    For the way back to the car
  5. For day outings, bring something to eat at the cliff.
Independent guides office situated in Vercors
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